Thursday, November 21, 2019

Philosophical foundations of education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Philosophical foundations of education - Essay Example However, there are some general strategies that work effectively. The essential thing to keep in mind about managing the learning environment is that it needs an on-going process in which the teacher must be a keen observer, facilitator, conversationalist, and manager. Different strategies are being used by teachers, and key school personnel to promote learning and to create a positive learning environment. Manning observations stated that "there is a growing consensus that a positive and safe learning environment is one that emphasizes cooperation, collaboration, and peaceful existence, and is one that is free from threats of psychological or physical harm-- that is, an environment that reflects caring and concern for all students" (2000). Establish the type of environment and the desired behaviour for the students - It requires set of goals, general and specific objectives, and the necessary skills needed to be developed, in order to decide what behavioural goals the facilitator is trying to attempt to achieve with the students. Behaviour development is necessary for students' growth and learning. This strategy can promote a positive learning environment when initially done within the learning process. ... uld be geared so students can achieve the essential skills to carry on the desired behaviours, once students understand the set behavioural goals and objectives. "The surroundings in which children learn can greatly influence their academic performance and well-being in school. The architecture, layout, decor and facilities of the [their] school all play a vital role in shaping the learning environment" as cited in World Wide Web ( Generally, student behaviour is dependent on teachers' behaviours. If a teacher is attentive on the effect of his or her behaviour towards the students, he/she can change it to direct them toward the desired behavioural goals. According to McFarland, a teacher influences his or her students by both content and contact and can leave a long-lasting impression (2005). As a role-model of the students, the behaviour of the teacher could help create positive impact to students in achieving the projected behavioural goals and objectives, leading to a positive learning environment. Promote respect when dealing with students - Ralph Emerson said, "The "secret of Education lies in respecting the pupil." It is not for the teacher to choose what the pupil will know and do, but for the pupil to discover "his own secret." The teacher therefore must "wait and see the new product of Nature" (1888, pp.125-59). The teacher must have confidence that his/her students also desire to do the right thing. Students' positive expectations will become self-gratifying and transmission of these expectations to students happens in a number of ways. One of the most understandable and prevailing way is through personal relationships in which teachers and other school personnel converse to students, 'This work is important; I know you can do it; I

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