Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Influence of T.V. free essay sample

Everybody needs diversion to remove their brains from the exhausting tasks of regular day to day existence. This amusement can be as music, films, plays, and different exercises. The most widely recognized types of diversion are motion pictures, which are watched by individuals the essay everything being equal. Motion pictures are engaging, yet a few films can negatively affect their crowd. The significantly affected gatherings are youngster. The effect of motion pictures on adolescents has been all around contemplated, and despite the fact that there is still considerably more examination to be done, a few things are now clear. While watching motion pictures on the big screen can be engaging for a high schooler, these films can likewise have enduring impacts on the manner in which the individual in question sees the world. The difficult starts to happen when you begin seeing motion pictures as a rule for how to carry on with your life or begin becoming tied up with the unreasonable depictions of engaging quality, brutal conduct and medication utilize frequently observed in well known movies. We will compose a custom article test on Impact of T.V. or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Self-perception Issues and Sexuality While viewing appealing celebrities on screen can be engaging for an adolescent, these stars now and again venture unreasonable pictures that can make a high schooler feel second rate. For certain teenagers, watching movies can change their self-perception and put focus on them to get thinner. On-screen characters like salman khan impacts youth to have a fit body n have abs which brings about weight on young people to have such bodies to intrigue young ladies. Teenagers who watch films with a great deal of sexual substance like jism, murder,etc might be bound to participate in sex at a previous age and could put themselves in danger for explicitly transmitted infections and high schooler pregnancy. Film Violence Movie brutality is regularly depicted as innocuous, however it can really cause an ascent in savage conduct in certain youngsters. Specifically, sensible brutality in motion pictures, for example, depictions of abusive behavior at home or wrongdoing, can altogether affect a teen’s mental state. Like Rakht chatra. Some potential ways film savagery can impact a high schooler include: * Teaching forceful conduct and empowering viciousness as an approach to comprehend strife. * Making the high schooler more averse to report viciousness in school and school, aggressive behavior at home. They think as a disgracefulness and that outcomes in bunch battles. For reasonable we can see this thing in our school. For certain youngsters, viewing fierce motion pictures might be significantly to a greater extent an issue. Adolescents with motivation control issues, passionate issues or conduct issues might be more affected by film savagery than different teenagers. Since the effect on youngsters contrasts from individual to individual, a few adolescents who are presented to extreme brutality in motion pictures may wind up turning out to be menaces, while others may become casualties of harassing in school. Medication, Tobacco and Alcohol Use Another way that films like Don, courageous woman can impact youngsters is by celebrating medication, liquor and tobacco use. As per a report distributed by a Journalist of Preventive Medicine, youngsters who saw the most cases of smoking in motion pictures were about twice as liable to have a go at smoking themselves when contrasted with adolescents who saw the least occasions of smoking in motion pictures. In a different report distributed in the issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol, scientists found that adolescents presented to liquor use in films were bound to begin drinking at a youthful age. Albeit a few films negatively affect their crowd, others may have a constructive outcome as well. There are numerous instructive films out there that are educational. These motion pictures are not many in number when contrasted with different motion pictures that are not as useful. These films are not preferred by the youthful crowd, such a significant number of motion pictures are for the most part an awful effect on youngsters. Contrasted with negativisms postiveness are littler however they are as successful as of negative. I have a companion who watches motion pictures as often as possible, and in talk with he had the option to ans the inquiries with the assistance of the motion pictures that he has seen. Arrangements Despite the steady commotion about mainstream society demolishing the adolescent, examines have demonstrated that the main thing that impacts young conduct is beneficiary guardians. Truly, you read that right. Obviously, that doesnt mean all young people are doing everything their folks state (you wouldnt trust me in the event that I attempted to reveal to you that in any case. ) What it implies is that kids are watching their folks conduct, absorbing their folks mentalities, and turning out to resemble their folks gradually, in any case. It implies that, as a parent, what you state to your teenâ and the guidelines you set dont matter almost as much as the things you do, and your perspectives towards life. Adolescents will resist to revolt, yet they wind up imitating their folks activities andâ opinions. So guardians ought to consistently assist the adolescent with viewing motion pictures in sensible way. Lets take the film inkarr, here numerous has watched it for the sexual substance yet there is likewise an another view point in it, from that film one can figure out how to act and now and again how corporate functions. End And the other primary concern is up to the adolescent and his outlook; it’s up to the young which he takes terrible impact or great impact. Awful impact can lead him to become menaces while great can change his life(like my companion). Much obliged to you.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Describe the Role of Hr Professionals in Designing Free Essays

Acquaintance This inquiry pose with address how tormenting approaches and methodology are an errand of HR to actualize in the work environment in this manner this answer will characterize precisely what harassing is, the thing that strategies ought to be set up and any proposals for the event of harassing in the working environment. Significant case models will be utilized to help the contention alongside applicable referenced creators, on this point. On closing, how tormenting can be forestalled will be pondered in the wake of expressing what the future may hold for harassing in the working environment. We will compose a custom article test on Depict the Role of Hr Professionals in Designing or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now What is tormenting? Since the move from Uni social orders to multi social orders as of late, there has been a critical diminishing in apparent disparities in the work environment. Be that as it may, the issue of harassing is as yet noticeable in numerous associations, (particularly all through Ireland today). Baillien et al. (2009) characterizes tormenting as steady negative conduct at work in which the casualty is dependent upon mental, physical or sexual acts by the culprit and regularly end up in a position where they can't guard themselves. The investigation completed found that tormenting, or some type of badgering, was probably going to happen out of one of three pathways: relational disappointments, relational clash and intragroup level. The issue with the last is that the way of life of tattle inside associations has become a standard and subsequently the specific practices by culprits may regularly be neglected. Albeit harassing is regularly connected with activities that individuals do, it additionally incorporates activities that people neglect to do, for example, giving essential preparing to a specific representative. For instance, if new innovation is brought into the firm, additional preparation will be required. Henceforth, if harassing of a specific worker was happening, this may prompt their hardship of adequate preparing which thusly will have a negative ramification for the whole firm. ) Within Maslow (1943) progression of requirements system, wellbeing needs are urgent to all representatives and the exp loitation because of tormenting will forestall the satisfaction of this need in the work environment. Thus, low profitability and low resolve might be available inside the workforce. Approaches/Procedures As the inquiry states, it is the errand of the HR division to guarantee the structure usage of strategies and methods to forestall or manage the event of working environment tormenting. The occasion chain of importance of the harassing (reference) intercession process has three levels: the counteraction zone which includes strategy enquiries by the objective, the mediation zone which starts with a casual grievance and may prompt a proper grumbling, and the disappointment zone where lawful move is made. So as to forestall a worker arriving at the most significant level and taking part in lawful activity, it is the obligation of HR to help with managing the issue quick to the main grievance. Tormenting/Harassment must happen in the work environment instead of individual life clashes between laborers with the end goal for HR to deal with the circumstance however considers completed around there have demonstrated that senior level administration are frequently feeble in managing issues of harassing or provocation. (Baillien et al. 009) Consequently, when HR is actualizing rehearses, they have to guarantee the co-activity and cognizance of senior level supervisors around there. There are three principle moves HR can make so as to diminish harassing circumstances. Right off the bat the usage of clear, succinct arrangements should be completed which state inadmissible practices classed as tormenting or badgering and the methods an individual may take whenever discovered exposed to this co nduct. What's more, a Code of Conduct ought to be set up so as to set out preparing methodology for representatives and the executives as a methods for forestalling 7workplace harassing. Inside administration preparing, compromise and intercession aptitudes should be given so as to act viably. During the enrollment of the executives in an association, it is fundamental to guarantee they have individuals the board abilities alongside task related skill. At last, regularly the most significant thing HR and ranking directors can do is show others how its done. On the off chance that approaches and strategies are actualized yet chiefs are not carrying on in a manner that goes along completely with these, at that point this could prompt unfavorable impacts by subordinates. Model One essential case of where HR neglected to follow up on conduct of another worker that at first was inadmissible by the firm however brought about unsuitable conduct to moral society was corresponding to Rob Parsons inside Morgan Stanley. (Burton, 1998) Parsons was recruited to accomplish a development usage methodology as Nasr accepted he was the man to do it. Notwithstanding, a culture of severe arrangements and methods inside the association implied that Parsons Non-consistence promptly stuck out. At first, he was not engaged with harassing however was viewed as a ‘lone wolf’ inside the firm, fundamentally observed through his failure to perform inside a group. As time slipped by, HR and Parsons Management neglected to face him on his conduct and basically permitted the breakdown of their authoritative approaches for him because of the dread he may leave the firm. In the end, he was terminated because of a tormenting case that happened at a customer meeting. He had been offering unsatisfactory basic comments to a kindred female worker of the firm, mortifying her before the customer. Henceforth, the event of Parson’s mental harassing was at long last apparent and may have been forestalled if HR finished their strategies with all workers including Rob Parsons. Eventual fate of Workplace Bullying Due to the expansion of innovation, the workplace currently regularly reaches out into the domain of individual life. As a result, this may cause the empowering of work environment harassing to extend farther than the border of the four dividers of the association and specifically, long range interpersonal communication locales are an essential objective for the augmentation of this tormenting. In any case, since present approaches and strategies center around ‘workplace bullying’, casualties might be restricted to the moves they can make. With the development in the joining of individual and work life, HR might be not able to re-address their approaches to incorporate external work limits because of legitimate requirements. Albeit, alternately it might be simpler to recognize and indict the culprits of tormenting or badgering if the conduct stretches out to individual life, for example, through long range informal communication destinations. End Bullying and provocation is frequently a subject overlooked inside the working environment as casualties here and there feel embarrassed and supervisors decide not to manage the issue. Anyway it is the obligation of HR to guarantee these practices are actualized and complied with all, including the executives. Inability to do this will without a doubt lead to broad results, for example, reputational harm to the firm, direct expenses including substitution costs and circuitous costs, for example, low profitability. In spite of the fact that not a proceeding with instance of tormenting, the Morgan Stanley case quickly features how the disappointments of HR and senior administration to address his unsuitable conduct from the start prompted undesired impacts, including his expulsion from the firm and lawful activity by a kindred representative. With everything taken into account, the anticipation of working environment tormenting can be helped by suitable practices completed by HR. Step by step instructions to refer to Describe the Role of Hr Professionals in Designing, Essay models

Nuclear Power Essays (1719 words) - Hazardous Waste, Radioactivity

Atomic Power Radioactive squanders, must for the security of humankind be put away or arranged in such a way, that confinement from the biosphere is guaranteed until they have rotted to harmless levels. On the off chance that this isn't done, the world could confront serious physical issues to living species living on this planet. A few particles can crumble unexpectedly. As they do, they produce ionizing radiation. Molecules having this property are called radioactive. By far the best number of employments for radioactivity in Canada relate not to the splitting, yet to the rot of radioactive materials - radioisotopes. These are temperamental molecules that transmit vitality for a while that changes with the isotope. During this dynamic period, while the particles are 'rotting' to a steady express their energies can be utilized by the sort of vitality they produce. Since the mid 1900's radioactive squanders have been put away in various habits, however since quite a long while better approaches for arranging and putting away these squanders have been grown so they may not, at this point be destructive. A very profitable method of putting away radioactive squanders is by a procedure called 'vitrification'. Vitrification is a semi-ceaseless procedure that empowers the accompanying tasks to be completed with a similar gear: dissipation of the squander arrangement blended in with the - - - - 1) borosilicate: any of a few salts got from both boric corrosive and silicic corrosive and found in specific minerals, for example, tourmaline. added substances necesary for the creation of borosilicate glass, calcination and elaboration of the glass. These tasks are done in a metallic pot that is warmed in an enlistment heater. The vitrification of one burden of squanders involves the accompanying stages. The initial step is 'Taking care of'. In this progression the vitrification gets a steady progression of blend of squanders and of added substances until it is 80% brimming with calcine. The taking care of rate what's more, warming force are balanced with the goal that a watery period of a few liters is for all time kept up at the outside of the pot. The subsequent advance is the 'Calcination and glass vanishing'. In this progression when the pot is for all intents and purposes brimming with calcine, the temperature is dynamically expanded up to 1100 to 1500 C and afterward is kept up for a few hours so to permit the glass to expand. The third step is 'Glass throwing'. The glass is thrown in an extraordinary compartment. The warming of the yield of the vitrification pot causes the glass attachment to soften, in this manner permitting the glass to stream into holders which are then moved into the capacity. Albeit part of the waste is changed into a strong item there is still treatment of vaporous and fluid squanders. The gases that escape from the pot during taking care of and calcination are gathered and sent to ruthenium channels, condensers and scouring sections. The ruthenium comprises of - - - - 2) condensacate: result of buildup. glass pellets covered with ferrous oxide and kept up at a temperature of 500 C. In the treatment of fluid squanders, the condensates gathered contain about 15% ruthenium. This is then packed in an evaporator where nitric corrosive is wrecked by formaldehyde in order to keep up low corrosiveness. The fixation is then killed and enters the vitrification pot. When the vitrification procedure is done, the compartments are put away in a capacity pit. This pit has been structured with the goal that the quantity of holders that might be put away is comparable to nine years of creation. Incredible ventilators give air flow to chill off glass. The glass delivered has the benefit of being put away as strong rather than fluid. The upsides of the solids are that they have nearly complete insolubility, substance idlenesses, nonappearance of unpredictable items and great radiation obstruction. The ruthenium that getaways is consumed by a channel. The measure of ruthenium prone to be discharged into the earth is insignificant. Another strategy that is being utilized today to dispose of radioactive squander is simply the 'situation and handling radioactive squanders in profound underground holes'. This is the discarding harmful squanders by fusing them into liquid silicate rock, with low penetrability. By this strategy, fluid squanders are infused into a profound underground pit with mineral treatment and permitted to self-bubble. The subsequent steam is handled at ground level and reused in a shut framework. At the point when squander expansion is ended, the fireplace is permitted to bubble dry. The warmth produced by the radioactive squanders at that point liquefies the encompassing stone, in this way dissolving the squanders. At the point when waste and water expansion stop, the hole temperature would ascend to the dissolving purpose of the stone. As the liquid stone mass increments in size, so does the surface region. This

Friday, August 21, 2020

Chivalry in the First Crusade

Valor in the First Crusade The medieval ages were populated with wars pursued for contrasting reasons. Probably the most striking and far reaching wars pursued were the Crusades. The principal campaign was called by Pope Urban II in 1095 and it was marked the war of freedom planned for recovering the Holy Land from the Muslims [1]. The Christian armed force which completed this war was comprised of knights and laborers who walked to Jerusalem for the fight to come. During this period ever, there existed a code of gallantry among the knights.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Chivalry in the First Crusade explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More It has been recommended that the military which embraced the First Crusade admired this code. This paper will contend that the First Crusade speaks to the flawlessness of the chivalric perfect. To fortify this declaration, the paper will audit a portion of the behaviors of the Crusaders and how they exhibited valor. At the beginning, gall antry was a lifestyle for the knights and it involved simply battling in competitions and in genuine wars. Morris takes note of that it is the First Crusade that kept valor from declining into a minor society of contenders by allowing it a chance to understand its beliefs of boldness, unwaveringness and honor[2]. This is an assumption which is resounded by Frank who takes note of that gallantry as a code of conduct was generally fashioned by Pope Urban II who thought of a rundown of attributes that the genuine trooper of Christ would possess[3]. These beliefs included; being shrewd, mild, faithful and valiant among different qualities and they went about as the standard that the Christian warriors strived to accomplish. Valor requested that the knight or trooper turned into a hero and protector of the congregation just as poor people. This code was explained in a location by Pope Urban II which expressed that the strategic the Knight was to fill in as the honest and relentless adver sary of the heathen, the sympathetic defender of the powerless and oppressed[4]. The First Crusade satisfied this perfect as can be seen from their valor as they set out to assault the Turks who had assumed control over the Holy land. This valor paid off and the Crusaders took over control of Jerusalem from the heathens. One of the goals that identify with valor is demonstrating dauntlessness and faithfulness despite war. This is a perfect that the warriors in the First Crusade displayed in incredible measure. Tyerman affirms that the crusading armed forces were held together by a solid devotion to the reason and to the pioneers and friends at arms [5]. While the gallantry of the Knights as they occupied with their war against the Moslems is held being referred to by certain antiquarians attributable to the unpredictable murdering of the foe, it ought to be recollected that the code of the valor took into consideration the slaughtering of the unbelievers who had assumed control over the Holy Land and were abusing its inhabitants.Advertising Looking for article on eastern europe? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Undoubtedly, the beliefs of gallantry assumed a significant job in the enormous achievement that the First Crusade accomplished. Because of valor, the crusading armed force vanquished the Turks and entered the Holy Land in 1099. Be that as it may, the standards of gallantry were deteriorated as the Christian armed forces and rulers delighted in extravagance. Because of this degeneration, Morris noticed that the Second Crusade was an articulate disappointment and Saladin, the pioneer of the Saracens recovered the Jerusalem from the Crusaders[6]. This paper set out to contend that the First Crusade spoke to the flawlessness of the chivalric perfect. To this end, the paper has explained a portion of the chivalric goals and proceeded to exhibit how the crusading armed force satisfied these beliefs. The paper has additionally recommended that the chivalric goals were answerable for the extraordinary triumph that the First Crusade accomplished. Book reference Foss, Michael. Individuals of the First Crusade. Arcade Publishing, 1998. Plain, Daniel. The Knight Dismounted. Web. Morris, David. A History of England. CUP Archive, 2000. Tyerman, Christopher. Who Went on Crusades to the Holy Land? Herford College, Oxford, 1998. References Michael Foss, People of the First Crusade, (Arcade Publishing, 1998), 212. David Morris, A History of England, (CUP Archive, 2000), 105. Daniel Frank, The Knight Dismounted. Honest, 6. Christopher Tyerman, Who Went on Crusades to the Holy Land? (Herford College, Oxford, 1998), 13. David, 106.

When Do ACT Scores Come Out ACT Score Release Schedule

When Do ACT Scores Come Out ACT Score Release Schedule SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You've taken the ACT and are currently hanging tight for your scores. This can be a strained time, yet realizing when precisely to expect your ACT results can assist you with preparing. When do ACT scores come out precisely? In this article, discover when your grades will open up, how to get your ACT resultsas quick as could be expected under the circumstances, and what to do once you have them. Will your ACT scores be sufficient? At the point when your scores come out, it's basic for you to comprehend whether your scores are sufficient. The ACT score that is sufficient for you is interesting to you, in light of your objectives. Download our free manual for making sense of your ACT target score. To what extent Does It Generally Take to Get ACT Scores? ACT results typically begin to come out online around 10 days after your test date. Since the ACT is constantly taken on a Saturday, your scores will generally come out on the second Tuesday after your test date. Once in a while, ACT scores may take longer than 10 days to come out.The official ACT site offers a scope of conceivable score discharge dates for each test. By and large, the soonest conceivable discharge date is 10 days after the test date, and the most recent conceivable discharge date is six to seven weeks after the test date. On the off chance that you took theACT with Writing, your various decision scores will open up online around a similar time as everybody else's; however,your paper score will commonly take an extra fourteen days. At the end of the day, your total ACT scores will come out, at most punctual, somewhat more than three weeks after your test date. When Exactly Do ACT Scores Come Out? ACT score discharge dates will differ contingent upon your test date. We made the tables underneath for you to see when you can expect your ACT results to open up. 2019-20 ACT Score Release Schedule ACT, Inc. has affirmed itstesting plan for the 2019-20 testing year. This permits us to think of estimatesfor future score discharge dates: ACT Test Date Numerous Choice Scores Release Complete Scores (w/Essay) Release Sept 14, 2019 Sept 24, 2019 Oct 8, 2019 Oct 26, 2019 Nov 5, 2019 Nov 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019 Dec 24, 2019 Jan 7, 2020 Feb 8, 2020 Feb 18, 2020 Blemish 3, 2020 Apr 4, 2020 Apr 14, 2020 Apr 28, 2020 June 13, 2020 June 23, 2020 July 7, 2020 July 18, 2020 July 28, 2020 Aug 11, 2020 Have an inclination you'll have to take the ACT once more? Download our free manual for improving your ACT score by 4. Note that these are the most punctual potential dates for your ACT scores to come out. Numerous understudies have their scores deferred by a couple of days as ACT, Inc. gets all the scores together. Try not to be excessively frightened if your grades are deferred by a week or somewhere in the vicinity. Past that point, however, it may be a smart thought to call ACT, Inc. what's more, get some information about the status of your test. ACT Writing scores normally come out around fourteen days after your different decision scores are discharged. ACT, Inc. works superbly of getting its scores out as ahead of schedule as conceivable as opposed to trusting that all understudies will be prepared before discharging them in a cluster. What Time Do ACT Scores Come Out? ACT scores are discharged in clumps and are normally posted once every day at around 12 am Central Time (10 pm Pacific Time, 11 pm Mountain Time, and 1 am Eastern Time). On the off chance that your grades don't appear after this time on a specific day, you'll need to hold up an entire day and afterward look at in the event that they come the following day. This data will ideally help with your pressure and save you from habitually checking for ACT scores for the duration of the day! When Are ACT Scores Available to Schools? In the wake of taking as long as seven days to process your score report demand, ACT, Inc. will group up your score report with others heading off to a similar school. Universities get ACT score reports at any rate once at regular intervals, however a few schools get them all the more as often as possible. UVA has expressed that it gets score reports electronically at any rate once every day-except gets scores considerably more much of the time nearer to application cutoff times. On the off chance that you put down a school as one to get one of your four free score reports, that school may even have the option to see your ACT scores before you candepending on how habitually it gets scores from ACT, Inc. It’s additionally critical to take note of that ACT, Inc. won't convey your ACT scores until your entire test has been scored. So if you’ve taken the Writing segment, your scores won’t go out until your Writing scores, as well, have been resolved. Picking a need report(instead of a normal score report) abbreviates the underlying handling time to two working days after your solicitation and regularly gets your ACT scores to schools three to four business days after your solicitation has been prepared. Note that ACT, Inc. can't convey a score report until your test has been scored. Except if you've gotten your ACT scores and have a school application cutoff time less than seven weeks away (or three weeks for the ACT without Writing), requesting need detailing isn't justified, despite any potential benefits. Note: If you took the ACT through State and District, School, or DANTES testing, your online scores will probably not become accessible until after you get your paper score report via the post office. How Do I Check My ACT Score? The quickest method to see your ACT scores is to go online to your ACT account. When you sign in, you'll see a rundown of the ACT test dates you have scores for: Next, click on View Scores for the test date for which you need to see your ACT scores. You'll be taken to a screen on which you need to reemerge your secret phrase (for the wellbeing of security): When you enter your secret phrase once more, you'll be taken to a page with your ACT results. For a progressively point by point clarification on the best way to get your scores, look at ourstep-by-step manage. For what reason Does It Take So Long to Get My ACT Score? It may appear just as evaluating shouldn't step through since a long time ago ACT exams are scored naturally. In any case, recall that a huge number of understudies take the ACT on each test date.What's progressively, these things need to occur for every understudy stepping through the examination: Each test is transported to the ACT, Inc. scoring base camp. Each test is filtered to compute araw score. Each test gets a scaled score from 1 to 36, contingent upon the bend for that test. Each ACT Writing paper is assessed by two human graders. The entirety of this occurs on an across the nation scale, so plainly ACT, Inc. has a critical coordinations challenge to manage! At the point when all's said and done, however, ACT, Inc. endeavors to get test scores out at the earliest opportunity so understudies such as yourself can prepare for school. ACT Results: 2 Options for Next Steps When you recover your ACT scores, you have a few choices for what you can do straightaway. Choice 1: Retake the ACT In case you're not content with your scores, you should think about retaking the ACT. You can revive your memory on the most proficient method to pursue the ACT with this article. Regardless of whether you retake the ACT at last comes down to two factors:what your objective score isand that you are so liable to improve your score.Your ACT target score is controlled by the normal ACT scores of the schools you need to get into. In the event that your ACT scores are a ton lower than your objective score is, it may merit retaking the test. It’s insufficient, be that as it may, to take a gander at your ACT results and state, Well, I didn’t do just as I needed, so I’d better take it once more. As we talk about in our article on ACT score diminishes, there’s around a 50-50 possibility that on the off chance that you retake the ACT, you’ll score the equivalent or lower than you did before.And the chances of a score decline are significantly higher in the event that you don’t put in much considering energy. To improve your composite ACT score by 1 to 4points, you’ll need to place in around40hours of keen prep. Expanding your score by more than this requires significantly additional time and vitality. This doesn’t mean simply savage constraining it by doing the same number of training tests and tests as you can get your hands on; rather, you'll need to utilize a framework that centers for the most part around your shortcomings and encourages you improve them. Remember that in case you're applying to a school that requires all ACT scores be sent, you'll likely need to send this present grade's too except if you erase it from your record. The reality: in case you're ready to invest the effort and vitality to improve your score, at that point it merits retaking the ACT. Something else, it's only a misuse of cash and a Saturday morning! Alternative 2: Send Your ACT Scores to Colleges In the event that you're totally happy with how you did on the test, at that point your following stage is to send your scores to all the schools you're applying to. We've additionally got a total rundown of school and school codesyou can use to send your ACT scores. What's Next? Realize you need to retake the ACT yet not certain when to do it? Look at all up and coming ACT test datesto discover when you can step through the examination next. For tips on the best time for you, read our article on the best ACT test dates. What ACT score do you have to find into college?Get the solution to this inquiry by perusing our aides towhat the normal ACT score for school isand the base score you'll have to get in. When's the last date you can take the ACT and still have your scores get to schools in time? Discover with these articles about the last ACT dates forearly confirmations cutoff times and standard affirmations cutoff times. Additionally, look at our free guide on the 5 most significant methodologies you have to know to improve your ACT score by 4+ focuses.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Dracula Culture - Free Essay Example

Bram Stoker, an Irish author with an undeniably gothic reputation, once wrote in his famous novel Dracula: Oh, the terrible struggle that I have had against sleep so often of late; the pain of the sleeplessness, or the pain of the fear of sleep, with such unknown horrors as it has for me! How blessed are some people whose lives have no fears, no dreads; to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams (Stoker, 160). Throughout the years, many cultural crazes have come and gone. Doctors no longer wear bird masks with herbs stuffed up the beaks to protect from diseases. We no longer believe in the miasmatic theory of spontaneous growth. Even as we grow, we shed our belief in Santa Claus and the benevolent tooth fairy. No matter how many advancements we make, however, there are always elements that stay behind through generations and societies. One of these elements is that of the vampire. I am not a fan of the word vampire it sounds far too juvenile, and I wouldnt blame anyone who laughed at me for taking the topic so seriously. Even so, it is true that these gothic half-villains have latched onto our imaginations in many forms. Through movies, books, plays, and even academic journals exploring the topic, vampires have somehow managed to stay prevalent in our culture. I believe this is because vampires represent what we want from our existence. We want the blissful sleep with the absence of nightmares. While some audiences may dismiss this as the obsession of Goth youth who handle their black eyeliner with a heavy hand, I am of the opinion that these creatures hold something of fancy for all of us. The final sentence in the novel Dracula reads, We want no proofs; we ask none to believe us! (Stoker, 444). It is this spirit of firm exclamation that guides to me to write about this convoluted topic. I dont want to explore the physical vampire as much as I want to explain why, as a civilization, we remain sickly fascinated with them. Everything about these creatures are what we, humans, want to derive from our existence. Vampires have taken the literary scene by storm, evolving from the menacing Count Dracula in the days of Stoker to the lovely sparkling bloodsuckers that roam the streets of Forks, Washington in Stephanie Meyers Twilight saga. The simplest place to start explaining our communal obsession is in the physical realm. Vampires are perfect. Their skin is clear and everyone fawns over their beauty. They are lean and chiseled and will always stay that way: real people like Elizabeth Bathory believed these things so whole-heartedly, theyd kill to obtain the promise of eternal youth and gorgeousness. Creatures such as these dont spend time staring into an imperfect reflection in the mirror: they physically cant. They are very literally erased from the mortal struggle that is self-doubt. With this inane perfection comes a double-edged deal: you dont need to fit into society at all, if you dont please. While some among us may have felt the lifelong desire to fit into society as perfectly as a piece of a puzzle, others may have spent time rejecting the commitments of societal normalcy. For example, the latest adaptation of Dark Shadows, where Johnny Depp stars as the ancient vampire Barnabas Collins, makes no attempt to conceal the abnormalcy of Depps character. Collins wears clothes that are severely outdated and speaks with the lilt of an English gentleman. David Putner, author of The Gothic, which is a book explaining the Eastern European Gothic styles of the 18th century, is quoted as saying: one of the most significant shifts in the movement is the vampires transformation from peasant to aristocrat (Putner 269). Many of the modern blood-suckers we see in the media are rich. This is a symbolic representation of their success in society, or conversely, a demonstrati on of how leaving behind civilization helped them achieve riches. It is envy that keeps these rich vampires in our mind and in our media. Beyond the physical form of these creatures, they offer an immediate identity. When you are watching or reading a media that involves a creature that would fit under the term vampire, you dont really have to pay much attention to personality. Theyre actions and their names do that for them. When you picture a vampire, you picture a brooding fella like Mr. Edward Cullen, or possibly even a determined protector who is repeatedly cast to the edge of society. When you have such an infamous title as vampire, you dont have to play the game of creating an identity for yourself. I think this how many stereotypes about youth and vampire obsession got started: the youth found that vampires didnt have to work for their identity; their purpose in life. It acted like a balm for their angsty soul. Clinical psychologist Dr. Belisa Vranich wrote an article for the Huffington Post in which she explained: Often people feel lonely, feel alienated, feel special, misunderstood, different at some point in their lives. Yes, vampires are loners, but they are perfectly comfortable with their solitary existence (Vranich 1). We can only imagine what it must feel like to be secure and comfortable, at all times, with your existence. This relates back to the quote I began with, spoken by Mina Harker at the opening of chapter 11 of Dracula. She was wishing for someone elses existence, yet did not know that what she was describing was that of a vampire. Her enemy. Could this be a gothic interpretation of the-grass-is-always-greener? In our culture, trends and fads come and go, often times before all of us even understand what was so great about them. Somehow vampires have stuck around for ages- from the consumption deaths of the 19th century to the new, fancy vampires of Charlaine Harris novels. Keeping with the explanation of envy as the reason for the vampires prominence, I think another valid point is the fluency of the vampire. Eric Nuzum, on behalf of NPR, wrote an article called Defining Dracula. Nuzum insists, In the 43 sequels and adaptations of Stokers novel, Transylvanias most famous son rarely appears the same way twice. He has evolved with the society around him. His physical traits, powers and weaknesses have morphed to suit cultural and political climates from the Victorian era to the Cold War (Nuzum 1). It is with this thought that we come to a complicated answer for a simple question. We keep the vampire in such popularity because it has changed to suit us. No matter what was valued at the time, the vampire shifted to encompass it. To always be one step ahead of humans, thus capturing our attentions, attractions, and jealousy. We as humans cant shift so seamlessly, but the undead icons of our seemingly gothic culture sure can. Humans are not mechanical, systematic organisms who feel what they want and do what they should. Neither are our idolized bloodsuckers. In fact, every single vampire character that has been immortalized in media and literature was plagued by centuries of mistakes and doubts. Whether it be the insidious, gothic bloodlust of Count Dracula, the sadness that cloaks Barnabas Collins during his eternal slumber, or the isolation that the Cullen clan somewhat forces on themselves, they all feel it. It gives us hope that one day, someone will love and accept us. That one day we will pick up the broken, jagged pieces of ourselves and assemble them into a powerful force that lives above and beyond the normal good folk of society. This, in my opinion, is the driving force that the vampire has stayed around for such a long time. Religion is another factor that can explain the popularity of vampires. Specifically, religion that is derived from fear of eternal damnation. It could be said that vampires were created by humans so that they may not fear punishment from God or other forces of their chosen religion. Vampires are evil: it was not a contested fact until they started to sparkle and save the day. They were creatures that humans could destroy, something to shove the fear of damnation on. When they were killed, the humans could rest knowing that whomever they believed in was admiring their courage and sacrifice in the face of evil. It was a way to get in the good graces of the universe, to rationalize the fear of consequence for whatever we had done. Journeying back in time a little while, in Kentucky 1992, a group of teenagers shocked the world with their vampire cult. They sent parents into a frenzy, churches into hysteria, and shook the foundation of what a vampire was. Their cult, which was murderous and highly illegal, played an important role in the religious interpretation of vampires. The author of an article in The American Literary History journal, Teresa Godden, is quoted as saying, In the Bible Belt, the teenage vampire serves as a threatening image of family values gone awry the child as a soulless killer, as homegrown horror (Vampire Gothic 1). What this serves to say about the vampires prevalence in our culture and media is that it is as much a warning as it is a point of envy: to be so far gone from your conscious and humanity that you can do whatever you please. Closely related to religion is the idea of how we are told to live our lives, especially as children. We were told not to go too far into dark woods, to put reflectors on our bicycles and had curfews placed on us, effectively keeping us in the lights of our homes when the darkness reigns outside. It is highly possible that the vampire has stuck around for such a long time because the creature is an excuse to dabble in darkness. Still, it is socially acceptable. After all, Hollywood pumps out vampires onto the cinema scene constantly. Being interested in these comic-book creatures is a pretty benign way to express your interest in the things youre forbidden to explore. During an interview for Wired magazine, Ana Lily Amirpour, the creator of an Iranian short film called Girl Walks Home Alone At Night, which aired at the Sundance film festival, expressed her opinions on what, in its purest form, a vampire is. She said, A vampire is so many things: serial killer, a romantic, a historian, a drug addict- theyre sort of all these things in one (Why We Just Cant Quit Our Obsession With Vampires, 4). I agree heavily with Amirpours assessment of the creature, and I think the way she phrases her description does much more justice to the creature than simply calling it a vampire. There is a humanistic quality to the vampire; the tortured soul of a poet that attracts a curious girl to the dark side of town or the menacing battle scars that dot the face of Vlad Dracul, the Impaler of old world Romania. I think the ultimate appeal of the vampire is going to end up being the universal quality that the creature has always brought with it. Vampires wear their scars on their sleeves, but we humans keep our own hidden under layers of sarcasm or moodiness. There is something to be said about being completely honest with the world: unleashing what you are for all to see and judge. Humans never feel free to do this: they dont want to end up being the goof in the back of the classroom drawing haphazard skulls on their anemically pale forearms, wearing their differences out there in the open. In Russian culture and literature, the vampire was a harsh reminder of the importance of conformity. If you think about the political and social climate of Russia in the late 18th and 19th centuries, youll find it was a strict country that valued complete obedience, especially to authority and the norms of society. The common vampire for Russians to believe in was a heretic. The people who strayed from the common religious or social beliefs of the time were shunned, even in death and the afterlife. Vampires dont have to obey the norms of culture, nor can anyone shun them more than they can themselves. Count Dracula did not hide the fact that he was a monster, once Mr. Jonathan Harker had put the pieces together. Culturally, I have yet to examine what vampires mean. What does it show us about our societyand ultimately ourselves that we keep these pale, bloodsucking people in our media? From the outside, it looks like were missing something. We remain so obsessively fascinated with late-night tours of Romanian palaces and the whisper of a velvet cloak belonging to a cold-blooded vampire lord. Vampires were born out of the desire to explain things that we could not yet understand for ourselves. One of the most iconic cases of this reasoning is that of a young girl named Mercy Brown, who perished in Exeter, a small Rhode Island town, in the 19th century. The Brown family had been troubled by consumption for many years. The disease, which turned out to be an infection much like tuberculosis, killed most of the Brown children and Mrs. Brown in short years. The only children left were a young man named Edwin and his sister, Mercy. Mercy fell ill with the almost-always fatal affliction shortly before Edwin also succumbed to consumption. When Mercy finally passed on and was buried, somehow, her father started to believe what the townsfolk had been murmuring: she wasnt completely dead. It was not that she had been in a coma and woken up buried in the ground. It was believed that she had returned to earth to claim the rest of her family. To prevent this, Mr. Brown went to unthinka ble measures, guided only by his fears and grief. For the Smithsonian, Abigail Tucker concludes the story simply: Undeterred, the villagers burned her heart and liver on a nearby rock, feeding Edwin the ashes. He died less than two months later (The Great New England Vampire Panic, 4). The gruesome example of the Brown family serves to prove that vampires, like many other supernatural phenomenon, were used to explain what society wasnt yet ready to diagnose in the physical realm. Belief in something has always comforted us. Whether it be in the form of Sunday church services or quiet afternoons spent being thankful for your family, humans have believed in something ever since the dawn of time. And we will continue to believe in things. I am not about to insist that everyone believes in vampires. I personally dont. What I am clearly insisting is that they give us something to believe in: the possibility -a little seed of an idea- that there might be more to our existence. In a weird, twisted, way, it is quite possible that we keep vampires around because they are comforting to us. We have all been raised with the legend of Count Dracula, be it in the form of a cartoon like Hotel Transylvania, or the creepy stories told to us by sinister siblings. The things with which we are raised have a way of sticking with us and we have been raised with vampires. Our ancestors, those who lived in a time of entire families perishing by consumption, believed in these things. There is a fascination that many people holdknowingly or unconsciously- with the days of the past, where things were simpler. Vampires, on the surface, are the simplest of creatures. They drink our blood to live, and then they retreat swiftly to their caves or mountain-top dwellings, only to be seen in the dead of night. These creatures provide comfort beyond a religious-like belief that our ancestors held dear. They allow us to explore and put a name to what we believe in. As we explore the lore and history of these creatures, we develop ideas about what we believe. Beyond this, I love to think about one more basic implication of our belief in these creatures. They dont judge. They let you leave whatever situation youre in and join them on amazing adventures. They wont shun you because they have been shunned. They wont abandon you because society has abandoned them. These are the unconscious thought processes by which we can explain our love for the vampire. We will never stop loving these creatures. They have wormed their way into childrens picture books, classic literature, contemporary novels, movies, music, and even clothing and apparel choices. For something to stick around for so long, it must mean something. The vampire transformed itself from the corpse of a loved one rising to destroy you to the sparkling immortal that whisks you into the woods and away from your responsibilities. There are so many reasons why we insist on keeping these reincarnations around. We envy their freedom, we admire their bold demeanors and how rules dont apply to them. We inspire to be as blunt and honest as them. Well never know for sure whether our sickly fascination lays rooted in science and possibility or fantasy and solidarity. In a way, this is how it should be. The mystery of the vampirein all its many forms- was never solved, so why should we try? As humans, when something is solved, it is no longer valuable to us. Its done, its past. It is a piece of history. But vampires are our history because we have not explained them. They remain so prevalent in our minds and in our Halloween costume choices because there is no pressure to be reasonable and real with ourselves.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Parenting Style In The Kite Runner - Free Essay Example

Kite Runner Final Paper Parents play an integral role in their childrs life. Each parenting style has a different influence on a child, determining how one will interact with their peers and develop future relationships once their in the real world. In the Kite Runner, By reading through the psychoanalytic lens, itrs clear to see that Babars authoritative and uninvolved style is problematic and has a negative effect on Amir and their relationship. The first sign of Babars uninvolved parenting style is his lack of involvement in his sonrs life. When Amir was asking his dad if he could sit with him and his friends, trying to enter his dadrs smoking room, Baba kept on blocking him from coming in. Go on now, hed say. This is grown-ups time. Why dont you go read one of those books of yours, (3). Baba not engaging in his sonrs life makes it difficult for Amir. He is constantly yearning for his fatherrs love and attention. He ends up being jealous of Babars relationship with Hassan. As of result, this leads Amir to not having any guidance, a real father figure to nurture him and teach him. In addition to Babars uninvolved parenting style, hers shows very little warmth and affection towards Amir. Amir was told a story about his dad fighting a bear with his bare hands how no one would even question his fatherrs strength, any story about Baba for that matter. Amir would have dreams multiple times about his father wrestling with a bear, leaving Baba with scars all down his back. And in those dreams, I can never tell Baba from the bear, (9). A bear represents power and strength, but therers also a coldness to Baba. Amir is left emotionally withdrawn by his father. Amirrs dreams indicates that there is a distance in his relationship with his father. Their relationship becomes the motive behind Amir betraying Hassan because he saw how much attention Baba was giving to Hassan instead. Finally, Babars aggressiveness is a sign of this parenting style. Amir is in the smoking room with Baba, sitting on his lap and talking about what he learned in school. Baba then tells Amir what he thinks about sin. Youll never learn anything from those bearded idiots. Piss on the beards of all those self-righteous monkeys, (12). Amir tries to live up to his fatherrs demands and high standards and doesnt want to disappoint him. He spends time with Baba to succeed at his fatherrs demands, but therers a part of Amir that stands back and kind of hesitates because he feels as if his father is already disappointed in him. Last but not least, the final sign of Babars authoritative parenting style is he sets some ground rules, specifically on stealing. Baba tells Amir about the act of theft being a sin and if he ever came across a man who committed such an act, they would suffer the consequences. There is no act more wretched than stealing, Amir, Baba said. I spit on such man, (14). Once again, we see Amir fearing his dad; the fact that Baba would say that he would spit on a man. This leaves Amir terrified of his father, with his sort of militant behavior. In conclusion, we see Amir gradually learn how to stand up not only for himself, but for others. He stood up to his enemy, Assef, after being put down by him for so long. He stood up to Sohrab when the General Taheri called Sohrab a hazara boy. Even though the book doesnt end a good note, we see Amir making strives to become a better individual and a father figure, nurturing and giving sohrab the love and attention that he never got as a child.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Biology Prefixes and Suffixes -troph or -trophy

The affixes (troph and -trophy) refer to nourishment, nutrient material, or the acquisition of nourishment. It is derived from the Greek trophos, which means one who nourishes or is nourished. Words Ending In: (-troph) Allotroph (allo - troph): Organisms that get their energy from food obtained from their respective environments are allotrophs. Autotroph (auto-troph): an organism that is self nourishing or capable of generating its own food. Autotrophs include plants, algae, and some bacteria. Autotrophs are producers in food chains. Auxotroph (auxo-troph): a strain of microorganism, such as bacteria, that has mutated and has nutritional requirements that differ from the parent strain. Biotroph (bio - troph): Biotrophs are parasites. They do not kill their hosts as they establish a long-term infection as they get their energy from living cells. Bradytroph (brady - troph): This term refers to an organism that experiences very slow growth without the presence of a particular substance. Chemotroph (chemo-troph): an organism that obtains nutrients through chemosynthesis (oxidation of inorganic matter as a source of energy to produce organic matter). Most chemotrophs are bacteria and archaea living in very harsh environments. They  are known as  extremophiles  and can thrive in extremely hot, acidic, cold, or salty habitats. Electrotroph (electro - troph): Electrotrophs are organisms that can obtain their energy from an electric source. Embryotroph (embryo-troph): all the nourishment  supplied to mammalian embryos, such as the nourishment that comes from the mother through the placenta. Hemotroph (hemo-troph): nutritive materials supplied to mammalian embryos through the blood supply of the mother. Heterotroph (hetero-troph): an organism, such as an animal,  that relies on organic substances for nourishment. These organisms are consumers in food chains. Histotroph (histo-troph): nutritive materials, supplied to mammalian embryos, derived from maternal tissue other than blood. Metatroph (meta-troph): an organism that requires complex nutritive sources of carbon and nitrogen for growth. Necrotroph (necro - troph): Unlike biotrophs, necrotrophs are parasites that kill their host and survive on the dead remains. Oligotroph (oligo - troph): Oligotrophs are organisms that can live in places with very few nutrients. Phagotroph (phago-troph): an organism that obtains nutrients by phagocytosis (engulfing and digesting organic matter). Phototroph (photo-troph): an organism that obtains nutrients by using light energy to convert inorganic matter into organic matter through photosynthesis. Prototroph (proto-troph): a microorganism that has the same nutritional requirements as the parent strain. Words Ending In: (-trophy) Atrophy (a-trophy): a wasting away of an organ or tissue due to lack of nourishment or nerve damage. Atrophy can also be caused by poor circulation, inactivity or lack of exercise, and excessive cell apoptosis. Axonotrophy (axono - trophy): This term refers to axon destruction due to a disease. Cellulotrophy (cellulo - trophy): Cellulotrophy refers to the digestion of cellulose, an organic polymer. Chemotrophy (chemo - trophy): This term refers to an organism making its energy by the oxidation of molecules. Dystrophy (dys-trophy):  a degenerative disorder resulting from inadequate nutrition. It also refers to a set of disorders characterized by muscle weakness and atrophy (muscular dystrophy). Eutrophy (eu-trophy):  refers to proper development due to healthy nutrition. Hypertrophy (hyper-trophy): excessive growth in an organ or tissue due to increase in cell size, not in cell numbers. Myotrophy (myo-trophy): nourishment of the muscles. Oligotrophy (oligo-trophy): a state of poor nutrition. Often refers to an aquatic environment that lacks nutrients but has excess levels of dissolved oxygen. Onychotrophy (onycho-trophy): nourishment of the nails. Osmotrophy (osmo-trophy): the acquiring of nutrients through the uptake of organic compounds by osmosis. Osteotrophy (osteo-trophy): nourishment of bone tissue. Oxalotrophy (oxalo - trophy): This term refers to the metabolism of oxalates or oxalic acid by organisms. Words Beginning With: (troph-) Trophallaxis (tropho-allaxis): exchange of food between organisms of the same or different species. Trophallaxis typically occurs in insects between adults and larvae. Trophobiosis (tropho-bi-osis): a symbiotic relationship in which one organism receives nourishment and the other protection. Trophobiosis is observed in relationships between some ant species and some aphids. The ants protect the aphid colony, while the aphids produce honeydew for the ants. Trophoblast (tropho-blast): outer cell layer of a blastocyst that attaches the fertilized egg to the uterus and later develops into the placenta. The trophoblast provides nutrients for the developing embryo. Trophocyte (tropho-cyte):  any cell that provides nutrition. Trophopathy (tropho-pathy):  Ã‚  a disease due to a disturbance of nutrition.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay on The First Industrial Revolution - 2069 Words

Imagine living in a world without electricity, transportation, lights, or modern technology. Envisioning life without the gadgets and gizmos we enjoy today may seem bizarre, but our society remains dependent on the inventions of the turn of the 18th century to feed, clothe and sustain itself. The First Industrial Revolution occurred during the beginning of the 18th century and would merge with the Second Industrial Revolution in 1850. It was a time of great change in America and the world. The previously miniscule GDP, the Gross Domestic Product (Webster, 1), began to shoot skyward with implementation of an array of new inventions, the use of steam power, and the cotton gin, which vastly increased the ability of farmers and manufacturers†¦show more content†¦Yet the population had no room left in the frame of the prevailing system of production to grow or live. Work in the factories was salvation to the people who thronged into plants for no reason other than to improve thei r standard of living† (Mises , 1). Though living conditions may seem bad during the early Industrial Revolution when compared to now, American society had reached a critical point. The only future for many people, particularly the Irish and German immigrants, was in the budding factories or on the virgin prairie. It would be unfair to not point out that the revolution offered a new life to many people. Working provided failed farmers, immigrants, and women work they could never gotten before. People had an opportunity to work for a better life, creating a chance for social mobility, which existed nowhere else in the world than the Americas. The First Industrial Revolution was a time of innovation which led to the mass manufacturing of many of the things we now take for granted like tractors, plows, machinery, textiles, and interchangeable parts, without which American society as we know it would have become stagnated by the sod of the prairie. The growing population would have simply been doomed to starvation and peasantry as it had been in medieval Europe. The changes taking place in the American way of life were closely related to theShow MoreRelatedThe Invention Of The First Industrial Revolution1391 Words   |  6 PagesThe First Industrial Revolution Envision living in a society dominated by factories that just recently transformed from arable land and farms. Imagine constantly hearing about brand new inventions and ideas that were deemed impossible only a few years ago. Visualize working long hours in cramped factories, in exchange for low pay and contagious diseases. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Machine Stops A Cautionary Vision - 906 Words

â€Å"The Machine Stops† – A Cautionary Vision Science fiction is a literary genre that explores potential consequences related to scientific innovations. It is largely based on the idea of writing rationally about alternative worlds or futures. Provided adequate knowledge of the past and present world, science fiction tales provide realistic speculations of possible future events (ReadWriteThink). E.M. Forster’s story The Machine Stops can be regarded as a work of apocalyptic science fiction in that it is a cautionary vision of the future. Through speculation and storytelling literature belonging to the genre of apocalyptic science fiction provides a means of understanding the world. What is chilling about the story The Machine Stops are the similarities that it has to social media, the internet and other technologies. All of which have significantly empowered, disrupted and seduced the modern age. The story The Machine Stops describes an era where humans trade first hand experience for a life situated in front of a screen, known as the â€Å"machine† (Forster 1). In the constructed future Forster describes a life where people are confined to â€Å"a small room, hexagonal in shape, like the cell of a bee [and] it is lighted neither by window nor by lamp, yet it is filled with a soft radiance (Forster 1).† With a touch of a button the machine provides human necessities; food, water, light, and screened social interaction. Human contact is only ever encountered when one travels via theShow MoreRelated John D. Rockefeller Essay1337 Words   |  6 Pageserase the memory of his predatory business practices. Who was Rockefeller? 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Evolution of Democracy and the Athenian Constitution Essay

Evolution of Democracy and the Athenian Constitution Democracy is defined in modern times as government by the people. To put that in perspective and better understand all that democracy entails we must consider its origins. It is surprising indeed that even today tyrannies and dictatorships exist in the world when more than two and a half thousand years ago the ancient Athenians had developed a functional and direct form of democracy. What contributed to this remarkable achievement and how it changed the socio-political scene in Athens is what will be considered in this paper. The paper will have three sections, each detailing the various stages of political development from the kings of†¦show more content†¦Honor was a competitive concept in Greek society. This held true not only for individuals but also for the highly competitive city states or poleis. Hence they were constantly at war with each other whether to add to their holdings or on issues of politics with the losing side ending up enslaved (for example the Messenians who were defeated and enslaved by the Spartans). This constant internal military pressure was the very catalyst that caused gradual changes over hundreds of years. Since kings were hereditary therefore it was always not possible to find a capable general as well as administrator in one person. The inevitable result was that the ancient warrior class--the aristocrats who formed the bulk of the army as the cavalry by virtue of owning horses-took the power of the general for themselves. This was the beginning of the second s tage in the development of the constitution. Thus the office of Polemarch (leader in war) was instituted due to incompetence in war of some kings (Aristotle and Xenophon, p: 148). Consequently the office of Archon was established to manage the administration of the state and now the king, who was called King Archon, was left with only the vestigial religious functions. According to Aristotle, for the early offices the tenure was initially for life and then for ten years. Though his descriptionsShow MoreRelatedAthenian Democracy Influenced Western Political Thought1013 Words   |  5 Pagesintend to show that ancient Athenian democracy influenced western political thought, specifically, western democracies. By influencing such modern day democracies, ancient Greek culture remains a presence in contemporary life. Introduction Approximately 2500 years ago a series of changes and reformations in political thought led to the creation of the ancient Athenian democracy. Through the changes implemented by Solon and Cleisthenes during the Golden Age of Greece, democracy was born in Athens. 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Hospitality Management Organizational Psychology

Question: Describe about the Hospitality Management for Organizational Psychology. Answer: Introduction Importance of Delegation Olivia should accept that she cant do everything on her own and this will be the first step towards delegating tasks. It should not be a question of the more delegation, the better, which could lead to loss of control but rather the challenge of her delegating properly, and effectively the tasks that she wants to and can delegate(Preenen, van Vianen and de Pater 2014). Some of the importance of delegation includes: Olivia will have more time to do important Tasks By Olivia delegating some of the things that she does not need to do personally, she will at least be able to free up some of her time that will enable her to other important valuable tasks that only require her energy and experience. This will give her some time to plan and also increase her strategic capacity thus improving the systems of her boutique. Growth of the Team By delegating some of the duties to her staff, Olivia will help them to develop in their capacities hence making them also feel more valued in the business. It will also increase her teams job satisfaction and an opportunity to be successful and excel. It will make her business to prosper more(Evers, Hafkesbrink and Becke 2014). Fostering of efficiency and creativity By Olivia delegating some duties, she will be promoting teamwork that will bring in different points of view on how well to approach some tasks hence translating into increased productivity and efficiency(Lyons and Lyons 2016). Why Olivia does not want to delegate tasks Olivia fears delegating tasks because maybe she feels that it is more efficient if she handles most of the tasks on her own. It seems that she does not think that her supervisors are capable of doing what she does best; she fears that they might disappoint her. Delegation plan for Olivia Tasks not suitable to delegate Liaising with clients regarding their needs and updates contracts accordingly. Liaising with venues and suppliers and negotiates contracts for space, supplies, audiovisual equipment. Staff recruitment and selection. Ensure all SOPs and quality assurance principles are adhered to. Updating company SOPs. Conducts employee appraisals Handling complaints. Client needs Tasks that others can do in Olivers absence Conducting employee appraisals. Liaising with venues and suppliers and negotiates contracts for space, supplies, audiovisual equipment. Handles complaints. Client needs Tasks delegated permanently Checking room layout prior to event and that all materials, such as place cards, nametags, packages, gift bags, registration lists, etc. are prepared. Checking audiovisual equipment, signage and dcor meet quality expectations. Client needs Ensuring all staff arrive on time and are in full uniform. Organizes replacement staff in case of absenteeism. Organizing event bookings and contracts. Conducting research making site visits and finding resources to help with decisions about event possibilities. Creating and revising room layouts for each event. Creating event run sheets to ensure the smooth flow of the event. Organizing staff rosters. Preparing budgets and provides periodic progress reports to the event director. Conducting pre/post-shift meetings. Monitoring staff on shift Training of new and existing staff when necessary Checking staff time cards and that labor costs comply with budget. Tasks not being done but can be delegated Updating the company website. Marketing How Olivia can determine delegation of duties to the staff Picking the right person: Olivia should know that picking the wrong person for a key task can make that task not to be successful. Matching the requirements of the job with the abilities of the staff: Olivia should make sure the staff being delegated the task has the right capability for the job. Delegating to the staff a clear outcome that is expected: Olivia should explain to the staff what she expects to be done and also the reason for undertaking the task. How Olivia can give Instructions effectively For Olivia to give effective instructions, she must consider some of these measures: Being specific and clear. Give alternatives incase her instructions fail. Set boundaries. Give specific time frames. Seek clarification from the staff to make sure they have understood the instructions well. Why staffs resist taking delegated tasks The staff resist delegation of tasks because may be they feel that they have not been trained on how to handle the tasks that are being delegated to them hence there is fear of failure among the staff. Olivia should embark on training her staff. This will give them confidence to handle any delegated tasks more efficiently without fear of failure(Dobrajska, Billinger and Karim 2015). What Olivia should do to ensure delegated tasks are successfully implemented Olivia should start by specifying the outcome that she desires to her supervisors that she has delegated the tasks. Another thing, Oliver should do, is to also provide sufficient support to the staff, identify the limits, and establish controls and finally Oliver must resist an upward delegation at all cost. After a task is completed, it is important for her to give recognition where it is deserved. Time management Strategies Olivia can effectively manage her time by: Knowing how to spend it. Setting her priorities right. Using a planning tool. Avoiding procrastination. Managing her external time wasters. Scheduling her time well. Consequences of ineffective time management Inefficient flow of work in Olivias business. It may lead to wasted time: She must work hard to avoid anything that distracts her from achieving her goals. Missing of deadlines; Olivia can avoid this by prioritizing her tasks i.e. those that are urgent and those that do not need any urgency. Poor Quality: If there is no proper time management, this may lead to poor outcome of tasks. Monitoring Strategies that Olivia can use Watching the employees using her own eyes and see how they work. Asking for an account of what they have done in her absence. Asking her employees to use self-monitoring tools like project plans or activity logs. Reviewing her staff work in progress. Doing her own intelligence by gathering information about her staff. Conclusion It is important for Olivia to realize that if she really wants her business to be more successful then she will have to involve her staff in achieving this. By involving them, her business is bound to even experience more growth. In addition, by offloading some of the tasks that can be done by the staff, she will have more time to manage her business more effectively without much stress. References Preenen, P., van Vianen, A. and de Pater, I., 2014. Challenging tasks: The role of employees' and supervisors' goal orientations.European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology,23(1), pp.48-61. Dobrajska, M., Billinger, S. and Karim, S., 2015. Delegation within hierarchies: How information processing and knowledge characteristics influence the allocation of formal and real decision authority.Organization Science,26(3), pp.687-704. Evers, J., Hafkesbrink, J. and Becke, G., 2014. Balancing efficiency, quality of work and service qualityMeasuring the productivity of social services. Cockpit soziale Dienstleistungen. Gestaltung der Produktivitt durch Balance von Effizienz, Untersttzungsqualitt und Arbeitsqualitt, pp.19-46. Lyons, P.R. and Lyons, P.R., 2016. Helping managers to more effectively delegate authority.Human Resource Management International Digest, 24(6), pp.1-3.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The U.S. Counterintelligence free essay sample

With the rumor of a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union circling the globe, the United States created a strict intelligence campaign known as the Venona Program to monitor Soviet diplomatic actions. Decryption of what was thought to be Soviet diplomatic messages revealed an extensive Soviet espionage network that was functioning within the United States. These cables linked this espionage to the Soviet â€Å"secret police† the Komityet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (KGB). This caused a transformation of the Venona Program into a counter-intelligence network aimed at warding off this highly effective Soviet espionage attack. Unfortunately, the success of the Venona Program was undermined by the United States lack of internal security, as Soviet agents rose into the high ranks of both the United States government and global military research divisions unchecked. With origins dating back to the creation of the Army Signal Intelligence Service (SIS), the effectiveness of the United States intelligence program has been relatively successful in its duties. We will write a custom essay sample on The U.S. Counterintelligence or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The establishment of the SIS in 1929 set the stage for cryptanalysis that would ultimately lead to allied victory during World War II, as the Pacific theatre was opened up by the â€Å"cracking† of Japanese â€Å"Purple† code. However, the true success of the United States intelligence program is only seen through close scrutiny of its counter-intelligence program. As the events of World War II became increasingly volatile, a fear was growing in the United States State as well as War Department that an alliance between Nazi Germany and the Soviets would allow the Axis (Germany, Italy, and Japan) to focus its attacks solely on the U. S.. This paranoia spurred the creation of a United States counter-intelligence program that would ultimately transform this paranoia within the government into widespread panic. The counter-intelligence program was started in 1943 by Colonel Carter Clark of Army Intelligence (G2), with its authority placed under the control of the SIS. It was formed to provide intelligence on Soviet military and diplomatic actions. Its highly trained team of linguists, code specialists, and school teachers were charged with decrypting Soviet encrypted cables. However, the task was one that was virtually impossible. Soviet encryption was an ingenious process that involved use of a one-time pad known as a Petsamo Codebook. Its two step cipher required the cipher clerk to transfer his message into a set of four digit numbers assigned to specific letter groups. The groups were then combined into five letter groups by taking one number from the group following it. Using a one-time pad an additional number was added that could later be taken out by the receiver of the message who also used an identical one-time pad. The clerk then placed the numbers from the codebook beneath the numbers of the text and found their sum. In the final step, the clerk converted the five number groups into five letter groups by substituting Latin letters. When done correctly this process is unbreakable. However, with the lack of computers to generate a series of numbers on the one-time pads in coupling with the high demand for the pads caused by a Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union (USSR), pages were often duplicated. After eight months of work Lieutenant Richard Hallock, a peacetime archeologist, discovered these lapses in the Soviet cryptographic system. The reuse of these one-time pads began the slow and tedious process of decrypting soviet cables. This discovery opened what would later be called â€Å"the Pandora’s Box of Troubles. † The program continued, and as hundreds of Soviet messages were painstakingly decrypted, a vital discovery was made. The messages that had been thought to be Soviet diplomatic cables were not diplomatic at all. The cables were found to be messages between KGB residences in the United States addressed to the Communist Directorate in Moscow. The discovery was appalling. Thus the cables were linked to a Soviet espionage network in the United States. The fears of Communist supplanting Democracy originally produced by the Red Scare of 1918 were ultimately reality. Through sweat-and-brow translation, the SIS discovered that 5 different Soviet cryptographic systems were in use. One was used for each of the following: trade representatives, diplomats, KGB, GRU (Soviet Army General Staff Intelligence Directorate), and GRU Naval; however, most of the decrypts were made from KGB cables. In December 1946, Meredith Gardner, the principle translator and analyst for the SIS decrypted a message which contained the leading scientists on the Manhattan Project (the creation of the atomic bomb). Although the message was two years old, a series of messages containing top secret information were decrypted in the months between January and May 1947. Someone inside the War Department General Staff was providing information to the Soviets. The Venona Program was quickly converted from intelligence to counter-intelligence. Unfortunately, although the messages were being partially if not completely decrypted, the Soviets used such an intricate system of covernames that it was impossible to identify the Soviet field officers who were being addressed. The covernames used were often from mythology, Russian names, and even fish. For instance, Roosevelt was fittingly assigned the covername â€Å"Kapitan,† or translated in English â€Å"captain. † The close connection between the Soviet espionage network, â€Å"The Red Orchestra,† and the KGB caused panic within the United States government as an extreme threat of Communism was now visible. The KGB was a highly effective force of Soviet intelligence. Each residence of the KGB, which had locations in places such as New York and San Francisco, reported directly to the First Chief Directorate (FCD) led by General Pavel Fitin in Moscow. Their role as the â€Å"secret police† of the Soviet Union allowed them to quickly infiltrate high positions within the United States government. The KGB officers were often referred to as â€Å"workers† or â€Å"cadre,† most of which came illegally to the United States, smuggled by merchant ships. Ironically, smuggling of espionage agents was occurring through the Lend-Lease act, in which the United States loaned the USSR weaponry with which to battle Germany. Soviet crews of seamen and officers who were sent to be trained on how to operate U. S. machinery were often Soviet espionage agents who would then infiltrate the U. S.. The KGB had a strong connection with the American Communist Party, and recruited a number of members from within their ranks. A decrypted letter from Communist International (Comintern) proved the KGB connection to both Comintern and the National Communist Parties. The Daily Worker, the newspaper of the American Communist Party often had hidden recruitment statements to promote involvement of its members as KGB spies. In 1952, under the National Security Act the National Security Agency (NSA) was created in a responsive effort by Harry S. Truman to reverse his dissolution of U. S. Intelligence Services after World War II. With headquarters at Arlington Hall Station, a converted women’s college, the NSA staff hired a handful of highly trained code specialists, school teachers and linguists, similar in structure to its predecessor the SIS. The NSA took over the counter-intelligence program and continued the decryption of Soviet cables with the help of rapidly evolving technological advances that included an electronic decryption machine, the Bombe. In 1961, the program which had been known by such names as Bride, Bourbon, Whiskey and Drug was finally renamed its existing name, Venona Program. The effects of the Venona Program were not seen fully until its involvement in the struggle between Democracy and Communism during the Cold War. With the capturing of Elizabeth Bentley, a handler of espionage agents and member of the Communist Party underground along with the defection of Igor Gouzenko another rogue agent, the Venona Program finally had all of its wheels turning. Their testimony revealed the identity of a handful of Soviet agents and led to their arrest. With their help, the process of connecting codename to field officer began. Both the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and British intelligence (MI-5) became involved. Maurice Halperin, head of the research section of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), provided the Soviets with intelligence on every major codebreak that was made by United States counter-intelligence services. Furthermore, Roosevelt’s most trusted advisor Lauchlin Currie warned the KGB residencies of developments in FBI investigations of Soviet agents. The KGB was able to give these agents ample warning so that they would not only be able to escape further detection, but also continue their work without need to defect to the USSR. Alger Hiss was another Soviet espionage agent in existence within the high ranks of the government. His actions provided the Soviets with intelligence of the Allies negotiating status during World War II, as well as setting the playing field for hegemony and later shielding Communism from outside influence by the Iron Curtain, the symbolic, ideological, and physical boundary separating Communism from Democracy. With this information the USSR was able to counter U. S. negotiating abilitieslater they could call military bluffs during the Cold War. William Perl, a young aeronautical scientist for the United States Air Force research division provided the KGB directorate in Moscow with intelligence on the creation and implementation of jet engine and aircraft innovation. His work was so successful that during the Korean War, it was suspicious that not only was the Soviet MIG-15 equal to the United States fighter planes, it was in fact far more advanced. These research discoveries were in coupling with one of the most detrimental espionage attacks ever conducted upon U. S. soil. The Manhattan Project was the most common covername for research in the capabilities of harnessing atomic energy to be used for creation of a bomb. The atomic bomb was a technology that ultimately brought end to World War II. Its complex formula of extracting weapons grade uranium from normal uranium was top secret. However, a major espionage attack upon the Manhattan Project had begun. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, both American citizens and firm constituents of the American Communists Party, worked to pass the secrets of atomic energy. In coalition with Ethel’s brother David Greenglass, a mechanic who was working on the project, Julius and his wife helped pass on information about the American â€Å"super weapon,† the atomic bomb. Two other physicists of the project, Klaus Fuchs and Theodore Hall also contributed in providing Soviet’s intelligence on the subject. Specifically, they were involved in the transmission of the formula for extracting weapons grade uranium from normal uranium, as well as providing techniques for the implosion of the particles. The espionage attack even went as far to provide technical plans of the production facilities. Ultimately, this attack on the project was the reason that the Soviets were able to create their own atomic bomb so fast. Their ability to produce atomic bombs allowed the USSR to parry United States atomic bomb threats and caused hundreds of thousands of casualties attributed to the Korean War. Had the United States been able to counter Soviet espionage, the Korean War could have been easily diverted for the Soviet would be no match for U. S. technological advances. The testimony of the two Soviet agents ultimately called for the arrest of 349 U. S. citizens, 200 of which were at the top of the Washington bureaucracy. There were so many spies in the government that secrets had not really been secrets at all. It was a paradox of interests with a lot of finger pointing. Ultimately the Venona Program was so secret that even President Truman was unknowing of its existence (ironically he was the one who lobbied for its institution). However, since the Venona Program was held as above top secret, the decision not to release its translations made conviction of Soviet espionage agents tough. Even as many were sentenced to the death penalty, many doubted their guilt. The NSA was also held under such top secret conditions that it was often labeled â€Å"No Such Agency. † The Venona Program was nicknamed the â€Å"sacred secret† for the importance it held in identifying the amount of espionage that was occurring in the United States; only the select few who were on what became known as the â€Å"Bigot List† ever knew of its existence. The effectiveness of the Venona Program is particularly tough to analyze. The cryptanalysis that was occurring allowed he United States to pinpoint Soviet espionage attack. Unfortunately, the thoroughness of Soviet ciphers made the task of code breaking extremely difficult. Even though over 3000 cables were broken in the entirety of the Venona Program that is relatively nothing compared with the total number of messages sent by espionage agents. However, the Venona Program was responsible for the arrest and conviction of o ver 200 Soviet spies who were scattered in both the bureaucracy of Washington and the high ranking offices of military research divisions. Without the discovery of these infiltrators the Cold War would have taken on a vastly different persona. Soviet agents such as Alger Hiss, who had revealed America’s negotiating status to the Soviets, if undetected could have been able to provided intelligence on which American threats were bluffs. Furthermore, had the existence of Soviet agents in the military research divisions not been revealed, the Soviet’s would have been able to counter ever new discovery that was produced on United States soil, just as they had done for the atomic bomb. The true success of the Venona Program cannot be judged righteously without first examining the effectiveness of the Soviet espionage campaign. Soviet agents were able to infiltrate some highest agencies and programs which were in existence within the United States. Their system of gathering intelligence was so effective that even with every analyst in the NSA working on breaking their ciphers, they were always one step behind. Oliver Kirby, former operations director of the NSA recounts his views on Soviet intelligence: â€Å"Only through Venona do you get some idea of how thoroughly and how successfully Soviet Intelligence infiltrated the United States, Venona is the tip of the iceberg because we were only able to read a portion of the traffic. We found a couple hundred names and we still do not know who all of them are. † The Venona Program was only able to reveal the existence of a handful of Soviet agents who played an active role in the Soviet espionage ring. The few messages it did decrypt were often so outdated due to the time it took to translate each individual message, that the decrypts were basically worthless. While the Venona Program failed to counter the barrage of Soviet espionage that was taking place, it was successful on one account. The discovery of these agents allowed the United States to be more cautious in its actions and understand the true nature of Soviet diplomacy. During the Cold War, the United States could efficiently prevent direct attack upon American soil by assuring that espionage agents would not be able to report their diplomatic and military status back to Moscow. William Crowell, a deputy director who was brought onto the Venona Program in the early 1960s revealed the distinction between success and failure in cryptanalysis in his statement that â€Å"That distinctionbetween providing information that can make a differenceand using information to make a difference is still an important one and certainly applies to the results that were achieved in the successful breaking of the codes and ciphers known as VENONA. † In conclusion, the Venona Program was engaged in an ultimately insurmountable battle with Soviet espionage system and its effectiveness was undermined by the vulnerability of the United States to outside attack. The NSA played a crucial role in revealing the existence of these agents, but was powerless to prevent further intrusion by outside agents. The pain-staking work it took to understand the identity of just one agent was time enough for dozens of additional agents to infiltrate American agencies. The never ending process of cryptanalysis was unable to prevent or halt Soviet espionage; it was only effective in bringing caution into the United States in a way that hadn’t been seen since the Red Scare in 1918-21. The Venona Program’s above top secret classification made it the greatest secret of the Cold War, and was responsible for confirming the guilt of the Rosenberg’s and Albert Hiss, supporting claims against Whittaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley, and â€Å"sparking off molehunts on three continents. †